We offer support for adults aged 18+ with a history of dual diagnosis. We are not a dual diagnosis facility and cannot treat primary addiction.

Please note, we are not a dual diagnosis specialized program, we are a primary mental health program and therefore can only offer support to someone who has a history of a dual diagnosis. We cannot treat a primary substance use disorder. We require prior addiction treatment for someone with a history of dual diagnosis, and that they have abstained from substances for 60-90 days before considering admission to our program. 

If you or a loved one is experiencing a mental health condition such as schizophrenia, an anxiety disorder, depression, or a personality disorder, and you have a history of a dual diagnosis (substance use disorder) that has been previously treated we want you to know:

There is hope. 

Our whole-person, integrated approach to mental health treatment with dual diagnosis support, has empowered adults 18+ to develop and maintain healthy relationships with substances while they recover from mental health conditions.

We can help you or your loved one, too.

Recovery is Possible

We offer support for adults aged 18+ with a history of dual diagnosis.
We are not a dual diagnosis facility and cannot treat primary addiction.

Our Approach to Dual Diagnosis Support

Holistic, Integrated Care

About one-third of those experiencing mental health issues and about one-half of those with severe mental health conditions also suffer from a substance abuse disorder. We developed our dual diagnosis support residential program to address this reality. At The Farm (our long-term residential treatment center) and CooperRiis at Asheville (our short-term residential treatment center), residents can receive care for mental health conditions and support for addictions/dependencies throughout their treatment.


Please note, we are not a dual diagnosis specialized program, we are a primary mental health program and therefore can only offer support to someone who has a history of a dual diagnosis. We cannot treat a primary substance use disorder. We require prior addiction treatment for someone with a history of dual diagnosis, and that they have abstained from substances for 60-90 days before considering admission to our program. 

At CooperRiis, someone has a “dual diagnosis” if they have been diagnosed with both a mental health disorder and a substance abuse disorder. There are many kinds of substance abuse disorders, including addictions to/dependencies on alcohol or drugs and addictions to processes/behaviors such as gambling, sex, watching porn, watching television, playing video games, and spending money.

It can be challenging for someone with a dual diagnosis to receive the help they need because:

  • A previous misdiagnosis can lead them to pursue treatment that is not effective for them.
  • Substance abuse symptoms can veil symptoms of mental illness.
  • Symptoms of mental illness can be easily confused with symptoms of addiction.
  • Symptoms of mental illness and substance abuse can interact and create complex medical histories.
  • Some individuals diagnosed with a mental health disorder do not realize or believe that their substance use is related to their diagnosis.

For those with dual diagnoses, addressing both their mental health conditions and their addictions/dependencies together is of the utmost importance. That is why we’ve created an integrated model of care for dual diagnosis residential support at CooperRiis. 

Please note, we are not a dual diagnosis specialized program, we are a primary mental health program and therefore can only offer support to someone who has a history of a dual diagnosis. We cannot treat a primary substance use disorder. We require prior addiction treatment for someone with a history of dual diagnosis, and that they have abstained from substances for 60-90 days before considering admission to our program. 

Dual Diagnosis Statistics:

  • About one-third of all people experiencing mental health issues and about one-half of people living with severe mental health issues also experience substance abuse.
  • Around one-third of all those who abuse alcohol and more than one-half of all those who use drugs report experiences of mental illness.
  • Men are more likely to develop co-occurring disorders than women.
  • Individuals of lower socioeconomic status, military veterans, and people with physical illnesses are at higher risk of developing a substance abuse disorder in addition to mental health conditions.

No, CooperRiis is not equipped to help people safely go through detox. Individuals with substance abuse disorders who are at risk of experiencing serious withdrawal symptoms should visit addiction treatment facilities that can provide higher levels of medical care before coming to us.

Please note, we are not a dual diagnosis specialized program, we are a primary mental health program and therefore can only offer support to someone who has a history of a dual diagnosis. We cannot treat a primary substance use disorder. We require prior addiction treatment for someone with a history of dual diagnosis, and that they have abstained from substances for 60-90 days before considering admission to our program. 

CooperRiis’ residential treatment program is for individuals with mental health conditions who might also suffer from addictions/dependencies. We require our residents to maintain sobriety throughout their time with us, and we have many support systems in place to help them meet this requirement.

That being said, we do not offer detox, we are not a dual diagnosis focused program, and we are not a locked facility. If an individual is at risk of serious withdrawal symptoms or is not able to participate in our open campus programs, we will refer them to a treatment center that can provide the medical attention/ environment that they need while offering them the option of returning when they’re ready.

Please note, we are not a dual diagnosis specialized program, we are a primary mental health program and therefore can only offer support to someone who has a history of a dual diagnosis. We cannot treat a primary substance use disorder. We require prior addiction treatment for someone with a history of dual diagnosis, and that they have abstained from substances for 60-90 days before considering admission to our program. 

The signs and symptoms associated with dual diagnoses can vary significantly depending on the types of conditions and dependencies present. However, if an individual’s mental health symptoms worsen while they’re receiving care, that could be a sign they have latent substance abuse disorder. Likewise, if an individual’s substance use problems seem resistant to treatment, that person may have unidentified mental health disorder.

Mental health symptoms can influence the type of addiction or dependency that individuals suffer from. As an example, those with anxiety are more likely to abuse depressants, whereas those with depression or generally low energy are more likely to abuse stimulants. Demographics can drive substance selection, too: older people tend to rely on alcohol to cope with distress, while younger people are more likely to use hallucinogenic drugs. Many variables contribute to the ways dual diagnoses manifest themselves.

These and many other variables impact the ways that dual diagnoses present themselves, which is why it’s critical for those who might need dual diagnosis support to receive professional psychiatric help. If you’re interested in learning more about what that help would look like at CooperRiis, give us a call today.

Please note, we are not a dual diagnosis specialized program, we are a primary mental health program and therefore can only offer support to someone who has a history of a dual diagnosis. We cannot treat a primary substance use disorder. We require prior addiction treatment for someone with a history of dual diagnosis, and that they have abstained from substances for 60-90 days before considering admission to our program. 

Dream Statements

We begin every resident’s recovery by helping them craft a Dream Statement. Dream Statements express life aspirations. They guide residents’ development of core goals (attainable in 3 months) and achievable goals (attainable in 1-2 weeks), enabling them to map clear paths towards personally fulfilling lives.

Complementary Recovery Programming

When residents enter our mental health treatment program with dual diagnosis supports, we develop holistic recovery plans for them that address their mental health conditions and substance abuse disorders together. This ensures that all of the treatments they receive are complementary. It also enables us to tailor addiction-specific interventions to residents' individual needs, preferences, and life goals.

Compassionate Health Care Teams

Dimensions of health don't exist in silos, so neither should health providers. At CooperRiis, our compassionate team of expert psychiatrists, trainers, nutritionists, coaches, and substance abuse specialists work together to provide integrated care for each of our residents. They communicate vital information to one another in real time, collaborating to arrive at comprehensive, shared understandings of each resident's needs. This team-based approach to treatment allows our staff to deliver targeted, adaptive interventions that support better outcomes for residents with dual diagnoses.

Education and Empowerment

Psychoeducation is a critical facet of recovery for our residents with substance abuse disorders.1 Becoming aware of what addictions are, why they develop, and how they can be treated empowers people to play active roles in their own recovery. Our mental health treatment program with dual diagnosis supports helps residents to gain the knowledge they need to liberate themselves from addiction/dependency through the following three groups:

Seeking Safety Group

During our seeking safety groups, our staff members teach residents about the relationships among chronic stress, trauma, and substance abuse. We help individuals identify their triggers, recognize maladaptive behavioral patterns, and understand how their nervous systems function. Then, we support them in adopting mindfulness practices and healthy coping skills they can use to regulate their emotions without substances.2

Dual Recovery Group

Our therapist-facilitated processing groups are open, accepting environments in which our residents can talk through some of the challenges they've faced as a result of substance abuse. By sharing their experiences with peers, they can make sense of addiction while they build support networks that will help them as they make progress towards promising futures.

Sustaining Recovery Group

In our sustaining recovery groups, residents work with staff members to create detailed, personalized plans that will guide them in maintaining healthy relationships with substances outside of CooperRiis. For some residents, a healthy relationship with substances means abstinence. For others, it means limited use. For all, it means identifying coping strategies, resources, and loved ones that can support them in maintaining their mental and physical wellbeing over the long term.

Whole-Person Recovery Plans

Research shows that individuals with dual diagnoses achieve better health outcomes when their substance abuse disorders are addressed within comprehensive mental health recovery plans. That’s why we deliver treatments that address all seven of the following seven domains of recovery for every resident:

The Seven Domains of Recovery

The seven domains recovery model infographic

Resident-Centered Treatments

No matter where they are on their recovery journey, every CooperRiis resident receives personalized care that allows them to make sustainable progress towards their goals. While this means every individual’s recovery plan is unique, the following types treatments have been especially beneficial for our residents with substance abuse disorders:

Sober, Soothing Environments

Both of CooperRiis' peaceful residential campuses are alcohol-free, drug-free, and as trigger-free as possible. By arriving sober and maintaining sobriety throughout the durations of their stays with us, residents can focus fully on their recovery journeys. We support individuals in refraining from substance use by minimizing potential stressors, implementing random drug and alcohol screenings, conducting room checks and shopping bag checks, and facilitating open dialogues about sobriety, among other non-punitive measures.
Staff-Supported Outings
During off-campus excursions, our team supports residents with dual diagnoses in applying the coping skills we teach them in the real world. If an individual sees someone drinking alcohol at a restaurant and feels triggered, for example, a CooperRiis staff member can help them process the incident without resorting to substance use. The more experience residents get responding to triggers adaptively, the more confident they become in their abilities to maintain healthy relationships with substances throughout their lives.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
CBT illuminates the unhelpful thought and behavioral patterns that drive residents' addictions/ dependencies. It also supports residents in adopting new, adaptive ways of thinking, being, and relating to substances. When they confront and dismantle the root causes of their disorders with our trained psychotherapists, they reduce their chances of relapse. And when they establish strong senses of self-worth and self-efficacy, they make progress towards sustainable, life-long recovery.

Motivational Interviewing

Motivational interviewing is an evidence-based technique for galvanizing residents' internal motivation to develop new relationships with substances. During MI sessions, our trained clinicians ask open-ended questions that elicit candid responses from residents about their beliefs, emotions, and self-concepts. By listening attentively to these responses and engaging in dialogues around them, CooperRiis staff members help residents gain clarity about why recovery is important for them.
Resource Networks
We provide residents access to an array of recovery resources throughout their time with us. Many of them, such as facilitator-led psychoeducation groups, are built into our dual diagnosis treatment program. Some, such as 12-Step, SMART Recovery, or AA/NA groups, are offered outside of CooperRiis. If a resident is interested, we can connect them with these latter forms of support to ensure their recovery journeys align with their preferences and needs.
Community Support
Positive, compassionate, and affirming, the community at CooperRiis gives residents recovering from addictions/dependencies a sense of belonging that promotes their self-worth and helps them develop new, adaptive relationships with substances. Residents engage with their community through activities, group therapy, work crews, and other outlets. This variety of structured social opportunities reinforces the skills they learn with us while helping them grow their support network.

Family Education

Familial support reduces the rate of re-hospitalization for those with mental illnesses, according to a recent study.3 We not only keep family members updated on their loved one's progress with us, but we also provide them with an in-depth education on how they can become the support system individuals with anxiety disorders need in order to achieve their highest levels of health and wellness.

Research Citations

We can help.

Contact us to get started with our healing community.

What to Expect 

We are waiting to assist you and answer your questions now. 

Call to speak with one of our friendly admissions team members. We will help you determine which program would be best for you or your loved one, and gather information about the potential resident. 

Or, email us any time at: Admissions@CooperRiis.org