Checking in with Yolanda Robinson, The Farm’s Integrative Recovery Director…

Checking in with our Integrative Recovery Director, Yolanda Robinson, we asked her how COVID has impacted our community and if she had any advice on managing the fatigue? 

Yolanda shares, “We see some COVID fatigue among the residents. They miss being able to see their families, go out to dinner, and in general, be able to socialize. We have even seen residents who have come into our care because of the COVID pandemic as well. 

We try to stay positive while acknowledging that this is difficult; we give them space to say that they are tired. Being kind to yourself and taking breaks is the best way to combat fatigue. Staying social while safe is also imperative. 

We have gotten good at being creative; we find fun ways to stay active! The staff has hosted Puppy Parties, Adventure Races, and Painting Parties for our residents, and they thoroughly enjoy it.  

Staying kind to yourself is imperative to survive these challenges. Also, keeping in healthy communication and asking for what you need during this time is important. Often people will isolate and not realize that they are not alone, and it is OK to feel frustrated and tired.”

Checking in with Emma Lovejoy, Farm Operations Director…

Emma Lovejoy, Farm Operations Director had this to share, “I  think the residents are doing a great job of bonding over the frustrations/fatigue/fear and really coming together to help make their downtime enjoyable. We are also getting to take advantage of lots of our campus resources, like wooded trails and Art Barn supplies, as well as our archery course and some end of the season dips in the pond!” 

Some recreational activities being chosen at our campuses include bonfires with S’mores, hikes/walks on/around our campuses, movie nights with popcorn, board games, pumpkin smashing (after Halloween’s festivities), writer’s group, flower arranging, and we even have a resident who leads his own coffee bar on the weekends for those residents who are missing their cappuccinos and pumpkin spice lattes this time of year!

So keep being creative with your time, and connect in meaningful ways when you can while still keeping yourself and others safe. Be well out there!

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